Trustworthy Dating
safe, genuine and private
Where friends match you

Get the app, save your friends from the dating jungle!

Safe Genuine Dating
You can only message when:
- a friend has matched you
- two friends have vouched for you
Our users aren’t the next commodity you can swipe but reliable, relatable friends of friends.
Tailored Privacy:
- Add friends you choose to your network
- Help friends you choose
- Decide who can view your profile
By adding people you trust to match you, vouch for you or view you; you open a world of relevant, genuine dates.

Create your profile in seconds
Feeding artificial intelligence with endless questionnaires of made-up content creates a mess!
We won’t take you through crazy loops and will deliver. We call this human insight.
Matchmaker only profile
Are you in a relationship and would like to match friends? We’ve got you covered with a cool blue profile.
We are the only dating app where people in a relationship aren’t creepy. Our Matchmaker mode enables you to Introduce and Vouch for your friends while not available for introductions.

Free, fully functional app:
- you can be matched,
- vouched by your friends,
- meet their friends,
- send unlimited messages,
- search through our users and
- get recommendations.
It’s free, works, and will stay that way.
Data Safety
We do NOT sell your data
We do NOT advertise on our app
We are based in the UK, and GDPR Compliant
Our founders come from banking and healthcare, where data safety is not funny.